by Joseph Jo | Jun 24, 2018
Matthew 7:13-14 The American poet Robert Frost wrote about standing in the woods looking at two different paths. They were “about the same” even though one was “grassy and wanted wear.”1 Frost took the less traveled road and then philosophized as to whether he would...
by Joseph Jo | Jun 24, 2018
2 Timothy 4:13 While in prison on account of his gospel ministry, the apostle Paul encouraged Timothy to “bring…the books, especially the parchments” (2 Timothy 4:13). While it is impossible to know exactly which writings Paul was referring to, the general assessment...
by Joseph Jo | Jun 17, 2018
John 14:16 Jesus promised His disciples that after He left them that He would provide them a Comforter (parakleton—meaning “one who comes alongside) who would abide with them forever (John 14:16). This Comforter is the Holy Spirit. His ministry to us is crucial to our...
by Joseph Jo | Jun 10, 2018
Matthew 16:24 The word “discipleship” never occurs in the Bible. Consequently, when discussing discipleship, it is important to realize that the concepts are principles. “Discipleship” is a derivative of the biblical word “disciple” or “follower” (mathetes). In the...