919-244-1601 • 910 Twyla Road • Cary, North Carolina 27519 office@collegeparkministries.org


Pastor Matthew Walker

Pastor Walker planted College Park in 2003 after a year-long church planting internship. He is a graduate of Bob Jones University (B.A), Maranatha Baptist Seminary (M.A.), and Carolina University (Ph.D). Pastor also completed a Certificate in Apologetics from BIOLA. He is currently writing his dissertation for a Doctor of Ministry (D.Min) from BJU. Pastor is adjunct faculty at Maranatha Baptist University and Seminary.  He recently published Baptist Ecclesiology from Trust House Publishers. Previous publications include Biblical Music: a Pattern and Philosophy from Ambassador-Emerald Publishers.

Pastor is married to Becky (29 years in August 2024). They have two adult children, Aaron and Melanie. Aaron is a Marine Corps lieutenant. Melanie is married to Jason Nunoo and have a son named MC. Becky serves as church secretary and her work touches nearly every ministry at College Park.


Ricky Knox lives in Raleigh with his wife Ellen Jane. He is the former interim police chief of Raleigh and holds graduate degrees from both UNC and NC State University. Ellen Jane is the wedding coordinator for the church.

Patrick Covil lives in Cary with his wife, Terri, and their two children, Chloe and Eli. He is a civil engineer and holds a bachelor of science from NC State University. Terri teaches at Cary Christian School.

Hamsa Devadanam lives in Cary with his wife Swarna, and their two sons, Nathan and Aaron. He works as a technology consultant. Swarna teaches at Cary Christian School.

Tom Murry lives in Cary with his wife Tamara and their three children, Ella, Gretchen, and Henry. He is a state appellate Judge and earned his law degree from Campbell University. Tamara teaches at Friendship Christian School.